Saturday, February 26, 2011

March 2 (Updated 3/8): Imfolozi Game Reserve and Durban

Another day, another game park...Italy has its churches; southern Africa its magnificent parks!! Imfolozi is unique in that it supports the largest white rhino population in the world. As an aside, the difference between a black and white rhino is the size of their mouths, not their color. The black rhino is smaller and eats tree foliage/shrubs with its small hooked-lip mouth. The white rhino is much, much larger and has a wide mouth since it grazes on the grasslands. 
The game drive was uneventful to the point that posting pictures would be waste of our time.
After spending a 1/2 day in the game reserve, we travel a short distance to the port city of Durban located on the Indian Ocean. Durban, a city with a population exceeding 3 million people, supposedly has the largest concentration of Indians (not American) outside of India. We are staying at the modern and beautiful Beach Hotel  ( located, guess where, on the beach!!

The hotel is lovely and I'm on the 10th floor overlooking the beach. When we arrive, the surf is up and no swimmers are allowed in the water. The beach area has public pool for bathing and an amusement park
View from Hotel Room
Public Wading Pools
Close-Up of Pools
We lose 4 of our fellow-travellers from Switzerland. We have a good-bye dinner and are group is now 3....Sandy, her Mom and me plus Shadi, Solawe and Sylvia.
I will miss the twins fro Switzerland, Patricia and Sabina.

I find an Internet cafe but it can't handle pictures...oooh well...goodnight...

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