Saturday, February 26, 2011

Feb 27: (Updated 3/8) See the Lion and Leopard; Enter the Kingdom of Swaziland - Mlilwane Wildlife Refuge

Shadi, our driver and head guide was disappointed that we had not seen the lion and leopard. He suggested we go on a 2 hour safari drive staring at 5  :30 AM. before breakfast. As we leave the compound, the gate keeper informs us that a lion was sighted about a 1/2 mile down a dirt road near the camp. Large trucks like ours are only authorized to operate on the asphalt roads but Shadi threw caution to the wind and down the dirt rod we went. By gosh, there he was a large male lion lying in the grass. About 3 cars were already there taking picture after picture. We joined the frantic picture taking and after about 15 minutes, most of us had taken enough lion pictures; I took about 20 and the lion barely moved. We tried to leave because the 3 cars and our truck were now surrounded by another 6 - 7 vehicles. After jocking our positions, we escaped the lion traffic jam and got back on the asphalt road.

As we proceeded quite happy that we saw our lion, a passing car informed us that there was a leopard in a tree about 5 miles down the road. Shadi floor the diesel pedal and off we go. We arrive at leopard central and there he/she is; I m not an expert on leopard sex identification. The leopard was sleeping sprawled across the limb of a large tree. What a beautiful sight; just like you see in National Geographic. The tree was located about 100 ft from the road, no obstructing trees or bushes and had foliage located above the main truck; in other words a perfect picture opportunity. I took a few pictures with my small camera (the leopard is to the right on the branch) and a whole bunch with my SONY Digital SLR telephoto lens . After photographing the leopard, I remembered that  guide told us that a leopard will drag its prey into the tree so hyenas, other cats and scavengers won't steal its kill. I searched the tree with my telephoto lens and located the impala with horns, a young male. Took about anther 5 detailed pictures of this dead animal. 

Male Lion
 Sleeping Leopard
Depart Kruger
Large White Rhinos

We had to head back to camp. On our way back we spotted an elephant and a large white rhino. In a matter of 2 hours, we saw 4 of Africa's Big 5. Our score sheet was 5 for 5 because the water buffalo in Chobe and in Kruger. To Eddie from my  trip through Namibia and Botswana; I wished you could have been at my side. A picture will have to do!!

After departing Kruger through Malelane Gate, we travel for  hours and enter the Kingdom of Swaziland which is one of three remaining monarchies in Africa. Swaziland is the smallest country in the southern hemisphere and has has some of the best game reserves in Africa. Mliolwane is the country's premier conservation area and is located in the "Valley of Heaven" aptly named as you can see from the pictures.

Map of Kingdom of Swaziland
Swaziland Country-Side
View of Lake from Luncheon Site
Beautiful Swaziland
Swaziland is a very beautiful country. We stop at a flea market in the capital city of Mbabane and buy a few trinkets. We arrive t our Swaziland home for the next 2 nights. Mlilwane Game Sanctuary and Camp grounds. My cottage has now become a "bee hut" made out of grass and reeds; different, comfortable and quite large.

Bee-Hut Accommodations
Quite Spacious - Dark at Night
Walked around the grounds and found a pool, bar and beautiful picturesque pond.

Pond with Egret Tree
Soliwe + Sylvia - Cooks
Dinner, a drink at the bar and off to bed early...having arisen at 5:30 AM to see the lion and leopard and the long travel day tires one out. I can't believe that I am going to bed before 10 PM every night.

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