Wednesday, February 9, 2011

February 9: Swakamund - ATV Desert Riding and Sand Boarding

Today is adventure day...I am rested and ready to rock and roll!!!

Exploring the sand dunes surrounding the coastal city is truly awesome experience. The dunes are amazing and riding on an ATV (all-terrain-vehicle) is an adventure. We spent 2 hours riding up, around, over and between the dunes which extend for tens of miles. After this exhilarating experience, we stop on the top of  a set of dunes and begin sandboarding. Sand boarding makes me feel like I am a kid riding a sled in the snow except you ride a piece of waxed masonite down a very steep sand dune. Days like this make the trip's discomforts all the more worth while. The pictures say it all.

Ready to Ride
Easy Rider

Loving Every Minute

Group Photo Opt

Viewing the Atlantic Ocean
Masonite Wax Job

Get Ready..Get Set

After an exciting morning, I chill out and explore the town. Swakamund was part of German South Africa during the early 1900's and is a vacation destination for many Germans. You can find excellent German beers and sausages at the various restaurants plus a wide selection of excellent seafood. I opt for a seafood lunch.

Map of Swakamund

Seafood Deli

The day's activities are taking their toll...after dinner I go to my room to pack and get ready for tomorrow's bus trip ....we will travel north towards Ethosia National Park and a visit to a native Himba village. I would like to call Ann Marie using SKYPE but the Namibian government doesn't allow SKYPE to be offered in any Internet cafe.

1 comment:

  1. ATV riding is a sport I will never get tired of! You’re right; exploring the sand dunes on a full-geared riding machine is truly a dignifying experience! Every start, stop, and swerve is another remarkable experience, especially to those who love extreme adventures! =)
