Sunday, February 20, 2011

Feb 11 - 12: Etosha National Park

Etosha is one of Southern Africa's finest and most important game reserves. The sparse grasslands and massive mineral pan (primarily a great big salt lick) improves the opportunity of viewing wildlife and birds. We spent 2 days traveling around Etosha to view the game life and the evenings at the abundant water holes to obtain some fantastic pictures. We camped at 2 individual campsites...our days start at 5 AM, break camp, breakfast at 6 AM and on the road by 7 I know why they named our tour company...Nomad Adventures.

Pictures are grouped 1st day in Etosha at 1st camp site with some animal pictures....2nd day show many more animals and some of the nice accomaditions that you can have overlooking the water hole.

Etosha Geography
Main Gate

More Zebra
Tent Camping

Overlooking Water-Hole

Cooling-Off Zone






Sunset Over Etosha

Bought One of These
Chowing Down

Water Hole Visitors - Mid- Day

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