Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Feb 5: The Rains Become a Factor

The morning tent break-down is a mess but we work together to get on the road. A breakfast of oatmeal and hot tea helps. On the road at 7 AM and off we go.

The dirt roads are wet and slippery...Morrison is doing the best he can and we are proceeding cautiously. We pass over a Fish River dam and the thundering waters look like Niagara Falls.

Over-the-Banks Fish River

Damn Water
We stopped at the small town of Bethanie for drinking water and some treats...about 30 miles outside of town it happens!!! The truck slides off the road and we are in mud up to our hubcaps. We valiantly attempt to get it out of the mud but to no avail...darn. We call for help and finally two 4 X 4 vehicles arrive and attempt to pull us out. After 4 hours of numerous attempts, broken ropes and numerous frustrations we get time expended is 7 is now dusk, raining, slippery roads and we are 150 miles from our destination.

Stuck in the Mud

Attempting the Impossible
We're Out...Yeaaah!!

Roadside Assistance

Plans change...we drive 30 additional miles to the small town of Helmringhausen and camp for the is raining like hell...I make my decision to sleep in the tent for old Tom tonight. Thank goodness there was a nice restaurant and bar in the town. We partied until the rain subsided...Yo-Yo prepared a decent meal considering the circumstances. We had dinner at 9:30 PM...I helped put up some of the tents...cleaned-up and adjourned to my truck...I slept for 5 hours.....wheee...what an adventure.

Ben Paying For the Trip

Thank Goodness It's Not a Black Cat

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