Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Feb 3: Northward into Namibia

Up at 4:45 AM...I wanted an early start to make sure that I got my tent down and packed in time. Breaking camp proved easy for our entire group and we packed Janis and were ready for breakfast by 5:30 AM. Breakfast was cereal and bread/jam and tea/coffee.
Where We Are Going

Sunrise over the Cederburg Mountains
The day looked promising with clear skies and a beautiful sunrise.We head north towards the Namibian border with a full day of travel ahead of us. We stop occasionally to replenish water and goodies. We are suppose to camp in South Africa but rains have flooded the camp that we were to use. We continue to the Namibian border; exit South Africa and enter Namibia.
The winds are blowing hard, sun shining and sand blowing.

Namibian Flag
 Namibia is a country in southern Africa whose western border is the Atlantic Ocean with Angola and Zambia to the north, Botswana to the east and South Africa to the south and east. It has a large German presence due to colonization which began in the 1800s. The country's capital is Windhoek and its major geographic attractions being its rugged Atlantic Coast line, Namib and Kalahari deserts and Ethosa Pan all of which we will be visiting.
We camp at the Felix Uni campsite located in Namibia on the bank of the Orange River, the longest river in South Africa. The camp is very nice with a pool, neat bar, showers and great accommodations...don't remember camping like this. Set-up tents and head for the bar for a beer; we were on the road for 8 hours. Yo-Yo and Micke prepare dinner.
Tent City - We Did It

Ben & Sietske - Professionals

Cheers, Prost, Nazdrovia
Young Studs at Watering Hole
The rains have been horrific in Western Africa, flowing into the Orange river which has exceeded its banks..see pictures of damage to the camps beautiful cabin huts. Dinner consists of chicken, rice and salad; salads are great with tasty tomatoes. We sit around, chat and get to know each other better. Clean-up and head to bed. Each of us has a nice foam mattress which makes the ground a lot softer...nite, nite...

Washed-Out Accommodations

Raging Orange River

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