Monday, February 21, 2011

Feb 13: Windhoek - Capital of Namibia

After an early morning game drive in Etosha, we traveled to Windhoek located in the central part of Namibia. Windhoek is the capital of Namibia and gives a chance to wash our clothing, kick-back and relax mid-way through our journey towards Victoria Falls. Pictures of Capital. having wine with Kees/Nel (Holland) and Lucy (UK) and buffet dinner; excellent curry.

Introducing four more people from our original 12....Ben and Sietske are husband and wife from Holland...Ben is a muskrat exterminator...muskrats undermine Holland's dike system by boring into the dikes and establishing nests...I found his occupation most interesting; his wife Sietske operates two of Holland's many locks and their adjoining draw bridges; they have two children in their late thirties...they are great folks and have adopted me ...they help me set-up and break-down my tent plus being excellent company.

Catholic Church - Lady of Sorrows
Namibia's Parliament Building

Supreme Court Builing/ Blue Building - New Museum

Campsite Shower Facility with Hot Water

Pool to Cool Down
Nel, Lucy, Kees and TJWJR

Night Out Dinner - Buffet Style
Ben and Seitske

The other two folks are South Korean...Mr. Lee and Ms. Kim, husband and wife. They are at the beginning of a 5 month tour from Africa to Spain to Florida to Mexico... Mr. Lee is an economics professor at a South Korean University; taught at the University of Illinois and was a South Korean Marine who unit fought with the US Marines in the Danang area during the Viet Nam War....Mr. Lee let me load SKYPE onto his laptop so I could talk to Ann Marie and my Mom...Mrs Kim is a sweetheart. She provides me with hand massages using acupuncture pressure points plus neck and back rubs.

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