Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Feb 19: Botswana's Chobe National Park

We are on the road by 5 AM...tired, cranky. The drive is less than desirable over roughed paved roads. When we traveled, we changed seats each day in the truck so each pair of people would be offered the use best seats and views during our travels. Unfortuantely for me, I ended up in a seat wih little leg room making the ride uncomfortable and my chance of a short nap less likely.

We arrived at Kesana which is town nearest Chobe. Unpack, erect tents for the last time Chobe, and get ready for our safari....oooh booy.

Chobe National Park is the second largest national park in Botswana and has one of the greatest concentrations of game found on the African continent. The park is divided into four distinct eco systems: Seronela with its lush plains and dense forests, the Savuti Marsh, the Linyanti Swamps and the hot dry hinterland completing the diverse landscape. On October 10, 1975, the famous actors Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton were married for the second time; her fourth marriage and his third. Eventually they divorced...Burton was married 5 times before his death in 1985 and Liz Taylor eight times; she is still alive.

We have 2 4X4 vehicles available to us so that our group splits up. As we enter Chobe, we immediately see Warthogs...a good omen. The sightings improve...herds of elephants in the bush and the river, water buffalo, a crocodile, a troop of merkats (sic), giraffe, gobs of hippos, baboon, impala.....we view elephant herds in single formation rushing into the Chobe river, little elephants near their mothers, hippos blocking the way of elephant advancement....a truely enjoyable day.
Chobe Vehicle Safari

Elephant Conga Line

One Big Dude

Nice Rack

Water Buffalo

What Is He Thinking??

Immediately after the safari, we are taken to a pontoon boat. We
take a sunset river cruise as the same animals we saw on land we now see from the Chobe River. After a few beers and glasses of wine, the sun receeds as we dock the boat. What a special day. Hey Morrison....THANKS FOR A GREAT DAY..Morrison was and is one hell of a guide.

Our last camp dinner and we head back to bed for our last night in our tents. My tent was named "SPRING BOT 4"; you will always have a special place in my heart, my back, my behind!!!

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