Saturday, March 12, 2011

March 14 (Updated 3/18): Stellenbosch and the Wine Route

Well it is our last day on the road....tomorrow we return to Cape Town and say good-bye. Breakfast is cereal and we leave at 7 PM; it will be a 7 hour drive to Stellenbosch and wine tasting. We stop at a couple of stops to see if we can buy some hand-painted ostrich eggs but cannot find any to our liking. Onto Stellenbosch.
Since it is approaching 3:30 PM as we arrive in Stellenbosch, we visit the Spier winery first. The wine tasting fee is included as one of our tours. The fee was 30 rand per person. You are given a ticket which allows you to taste 5 wines out of a selection of 20 wines, red, rose and white from 3 different categories (wines available in stores, special blends available only when purchased at Spier, special blended higher-priced wines). You are given about 3 fingers-high of each wine for tasting. My favorite was Spier's red pinotage. pier ships their wines to the USA and they are available at Total Wine and Beverage; one of their stores is located about 3 miles from the Worosz residence.

Spier Winery

Wine Taster Line-Up

Enjoying Pinotage

Toasting the Trip

After wine tasting we head to our accommodations for the night. The area is similar to  California's Napa valley with at least 100 vineyards and grape orchards dotting the hillside. Our rooms are great and the view from mine is spectacular...the room's name is appropriately  Pinotage; no kidding!!

One of Stellenbosch Vineyards

Pinotage Room

My Room
View from Pinotage
We have dinner in Stellenbosch at a local pub; no great shakes. We get back to our rooms early to pack all of our belongings; the tour ends tomorrow AM.

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