Saturday, March 12, 2011

March 12 (Updated 3/17): Knysna and Plettenberg Bay

We depart Storm River village under cloudy skies under a coat of light misty rain. We stop nearby to see the highest bungee-jumping site when the clouds open up with sheets of rain. I forgo running between the rain drops to see "the highest"....Sandy, Sylvia and Margareta came back soaked to the skin saying that there was nothing to see except a few jumpers waiting for the weater to clear....
We are driving along the Indian Ocean coastline and arrive at the town of Knysna pronounced (nice-naa) not knisna. It is still overcast and raining lightly. Knysna harbor is pretty and well protected...if the weather were nice we would have taken a cruise around the harbor and adjacent area....instead we walk around town and shop.

Its Pronounced "Nice-naa" - soft a

Entrance to Waterfront Shops

View from a Balcony

Harbor View

We depart Knysna and head for Plettenberg Bay which will be our destination for this day. The Bay is beautifully laid out with mountains to its north and the town of Plettenberg to the south. We park near the Beacon Island Hotel which juts out into the Bay and walk the beach. I make a major find....the Moby Dick restaurant located on the beach with a 2nd floor dining deck and offering a special of 30 freshly cooked shrimp in garlic butter for 89 rand ($12.50) and with a fine wine kind of place....a view of the beach, food and wine...aaaah. The Baldwins, who I'm staying with in Cape Town, own a place in the hills behind Moby Dick, overlooking the Bay. Unfortunately we have to leave and head for our evening accommodations located outside the city...The Dunes.

Lovely Plettenberg Bay

Moby Dick Restaurant

Moby's Wine Bottle Ceiling

Notice the Hair - Growing
Nomad did not disappoint us...our accommodations are clean, comfortable and upscale. The Dunes has a bar but no restaurant facilities. We convince Shadi, our driver/guide, to return to the Moby Dick for dinner. It was an enjoyable evening...only 3 days and 2 evenings before this wonderful trip ends.

Cottage Entrance

My Room

Tom, Solowie, Sylvia
Shadie, Sandy, Margaret

Outside Moby Dick

We traveled a long way today so it was back to the Dunes and bedtime....

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