Saturday, January 29, 2011

Jan 29 - 30: Depart for and Arrive at Cape Town, South Africa (SA)

About this BLOG....Last year when I created a BLOG for my SE Asia trip, I found it difficult typing the text using aged PCs and software that I encountered in most Internet cafes. What I have done for my Southern Africa BLOG is to pre-enter a draft entry for each of the locations I will be visiting. I extracted  text from from the itinerary that was sent to me and incorporated  the text into the BLOG draft. As I proceed though my trip, I will update the text, attach many pictures and post the entry. I also attempted to include in each entry an Internet link to the lodge/guest house/campsite where we will be that can evaluate how much I am "roughing it" in the wilds of Africa.

Ann Marie and I will have lunch at Baja Fresh before heading for the airport. I will depart Washington's Dulles airport at 5:40 PM today and fly non-stop to Senegal for a on-hour layover before continuing on to Johannesburg arriving at 5:30 PM on January 30. After a short layover, my flight to Cape Town departs Jo'Burg at 7:20 PM and arrives at 9:30 PM. A friend will meet in Cape Town and I will stay at his family's B & B for a few days.

See you in Cape Town, South Africa!!!!

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