Saturday, April 2, 2011

Arrived Back in The Good Old USA - March 20


I arrived back at 11 AM on March 20 at Dulles Airport. From the time I arrived at Cape Town International Airport to arriving at Dulles was 27 hours...2 hours before boarding flight from Cape Town to Johannesburg.....3 hour layover in Jo'Burg........1 hour stop in Dakar, Senegal to discharge/pick-up passengers. South African Airlines does a good job with drinks and meals....service is a step-up from US carriers....the airline is a member of United's Star alliance so my travel miles were credited to my United account.

This will be my last post but I will update many of my photos taken with my SLR camera and telephoto lens...I have attached some awesome pictures of the "BIG 5" (Cape Buffalo, Elephant, Leopard, Lion, Rhino) plus the leopard's kill, a male kudu (large antelope) to this BLOG entry.

Thanks for accompanying me on my journey and hope that you enjoyed it as much as I did recording as my diary of my trip......check back in mid-May to see the newer pictures....Tom

PS: You can select a picture with the right button of your mouse, select "open link" from the drop-down menu and the picture will be enlarged....

Heading Home

White Rhino - Grass Eater - Look at Mouth

Sleeping Leopard
Leopard's Kill - Male Impala

Male Lion
Male Kudu
Elephant Line Dance

Cape Buffalo